Thursday, September 23, 2010

How much of our brain are we really using?

And imagine what we would be fit of if we used more. We realy use 100% of our brain. That is the simple fact.
We can never be efficient of using more because it's imposible to use more than 100%.
The idea that we use just 10% of our brain is a urban legend repeated by the not learned to prop up their religious beliefs.
People who claim we use only 10% of our brains may be singular using 10% of their brains because they are suffering from brain damage, It would explain abundantly.
But normal society really use 100% of our brains.
I've heard we use single 10%
Thats what I heard too.
I of late used about 2 points worth, I hear more recent MRI studies can show that some people use more. If you sway with stupid folks none of it really matters.
The notion that humans use only a tiny fraction of their brains originate with the discovery that nearby are two types of brain cells: neurons and glia. It be thought that the glia had no function, but since they colonized the bulk of the space in the brain, that we lone used a tiny fraction of our brains. This, however is slowly being shown to be false as the myriad functions of the glia are very soon emerging and being embedded.
only 15%

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