Thursday, September 23, 2010

How much does the heart overwhelm per afternoon?

When at rest, the normal fully fledged heart beats give or take a few 70 times a minute-that would give 100,800 beat per day.
Got your calculator?..60 BPM times 60 times 24
mine 93,600 times ( pulse rate of 65 )
108,000 times at 75 beat per minute
Man is the longest lived animal on the planet, with a maximum duration expectancy of 3.5 Billion heart beats.
All other animals top out at 1 Billion heart beat per lifetime.
An adult heart beat approximately 100,000 times a day
Go to WebMD and you will seize everything you need
the average per minute is 70 beat.
70x60minx24hrs= 100.800. So around hundredthousand beats per year.
It all depends on how frequent times your heart beats contained by a minute. Its varies per party
About 70 beats per minute.
70x60x24=100,800 beat per day
Treat it okay!!
Do you mean "How much blood?" If you do, it pumps something like 30ml blood each heart pounding. Going by most of the other answers, it pumps about 70 beats/ min/ hr so 30ml x 70 x 60 x 24=3,000,000ml per daytime. Or 3,000 Liters per day. But we solitary have 6-7 pints contained by us. It goes around and around. Cool, huh?
60X60X24 =
80 x60 x24 += so the answer shd be depending on ur heartbeat my example is 80 per minute.115200 beat per thats abundantly of beat

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