Monday, September 27, 2010

How in danger of extinction is it that someone is born beside a horseshoe shaped kidney? Wouldnt Drs.identify this at birth?

It was discovered after 17 years. it is really uncommon, but usually the doctors will detect at birth, because as they are doing the APGAR they usually do an abdominal examination, and it will be aware of like a papable mass. This condtion can usually go off with undescended testes, so if they are looking they will find that to within the abdomen
While i cannot comment on the rarity of it, I must utter that doctor's may not catch it at birth. If it is of run of the mill size, it probably would not feel any different. As powerfully, my ex husband had lone 1 kidney, also a congenital defect, it wasn't detected until he be 19 years old and have an X-ray for a kidney stone.
It is more common than alot of general public think. It is associated beside scoliosis. Unfortunatley, my cousin has a severe overnight case of Scoliosis, inward spinal bifida, and horeshoe shaped kidneys. none of which were caught at birth. They be not discovered until I questioned her mother ultimate summer as to why one of her shoulders was so much lower than the other when she walk.. It dramatically increasded over the next 3 months and in a minute looks toward a lifetime of surgeries. She will have surgery every six months until she she stops growing( she is 7 now) She have one of the best Ped. in our nouns and this was missed due to not have well child exams. These are not routine things you look for after coming home from hospital, except at powerfully child check ups. Needless to say her ped. at birth is not one and the same one now. It is meaningful we are dilligent in keeping routine appts. even when we are not sick.
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