Thursday, September 23, 2010

How much does an average mannish RN construct?

I don't think sexual category is a factor. Where you live in the country is a huge factor. $18-24, is starting for most, $32-40 contained by California, more for experienced, specialized nurses who are flexible, willing to travel, append 10-15% to work nights, lots of time and a partly pay for OT or holidays, they can glibly make 50,000-75,000+/yr.
But you're gonna WORK.
Average of $18-$24/hr plus benefits, incentive, OT, etc. Also dependent on the standard of living on where on earth you live.
same as female,
vary with experience, nouns of expertise and where you live,
median income overall, not poor, not rich,
have potential for extra money..plenty of job opening and extra overtime, sign on bonuses, etc.
It all depends on the state you live surrounded by and it doesn't matter weather you are manly or female. I live surrounded by Mass. If someone works in a Boston hospital, they can average up to $30/hr. depending on their expertise. Now if you live surrounded by New Hampshire and do the same work, you may only construct $20/hr. So you can't put an exact figure down for any RN unless you check out the state you live surrounded by. Obviously the states that are well particular for their hospitals will pay more than unknown hospitals.

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